miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

¿Qué es el diseño animado?

"Motion Design" Center : "What is Motion Design ?" from Motion Plus Design on Vimeo.
"Motion Plus Design" is a project which aims to create the first exhibition center
dedicated to Motion Design in Paris, france.

Website : http://motion-plus-design.com
Get involved via facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/ENGLISH-Motion-Plus-Design/262169577157419
Mail : contact@motion-plus-design.com
Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/Mo_Plus_Design
Newsletter : please send us your email at newsletter@motion-plus-design.com
Want to translate this film in your language ? : translate@motion-plus-design.com

This is a non-profit project. Students, professionals and anyone interested could discover artists, meet and learn. This centre will also provide an opportunity to promote artists in other design departments so the different graphic design worlds could cross. To make it real we need your support! The more we are, the more the project's got chances to exist!

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